Most Competitive Indoor Pickleball Court Rates on Long Island! No Guest Fees Ever!
Please experience and enjoy our facility!
No Monthly Fee | No Daily Guest Fees| $55 Hourly Court Rate
$35 2 Hr Open Play | $40 3 Hr Open Play
$15 Hourly Table Tennis Rate |
1 week in advance court reservation
Our Most Popular Membership where you receive discounted
court booking rates!
$8 Monthly | $50 Hourly Court Rate
$25 2 Hr Open Play | $30 3 Hr Open Play
$10 Hourly Table Tennis Rate |
Reserve your court 3 weeks in advance!
Free Access To our Dink Wall
Practice Area!
10% OFF all items in our Pro Shop!
$86 annually
Save when you pay for your Dink Membership up front!
$50 Hourly Court Rate
$25 2 Hr Open Play | $30 3 Hr Open Play
$10 Hourly Table Tennis Rate |
Reserve your court 3 weeks in advance!
Free Access To our Dink Wall
Practice Area!
10% OFF all items in our Pro Shop!
Our Dink Members can lock in up to
a 6 month court reservation!
1st come, 1st serve date, time
and court requests. Limited reservations available.
Call or email us for more info.
(631) 803-0711
Payments must be paid in full for all reservations at the time of booking.
Court Reservations or Open Play for All Members:
There is a 24-hour cancellation/reschedule policy for court reservations for all members. If cancelled with a 24-hour notice you will receive a credit to your account. No credits will be given if canceled or rescheduled with less than a 24-hour notice.
Court Reservations or Open Play for All Guests:
There is a 48-hour cancellation/reschedule policy for all guests. You will only be given a credit for future playing. No credits will be given if canceled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice.
For Private Lessons or Clinics:
There is a 7 day cancellation/reschedule policy before your clinic start date. You will only be given a credit for future clinics or private lessons. If you join a 4 week clinic it must have a least 4 participants. Once your clinic starts there will be NO refunds if you are unable to make a class.
Tournaments or Seasonal Courts:
There are NO refunds.
All refunds will be credited to your CourtReserve account as a balance credit.
Refunds are processed within 2-3 business days.
You are able to edit your court reservation in Court Reserve – go to My Reservations in the app, click on your reservation, and you can edit the date and the time from there.
Paddles Up PickleBall
10 Farber Drive, Bellport, New York 11713
Court bookings via email:
For League, Tournament, Corporate and Birthday Events please email us:
** You may not cater your own parties or events with court rentals without
Paddles Up Pickleball's consent.
We appreciate your understanding
and cooperation. **
Copyright © 2024 Paddles UP PickleBall
- All Rights Reserved -
New Year, NEW SAVINGS on Reservations!!
Monday - Friday
$20 Open Plays
$25 Hourly Court Reservations
** Dink Member Rates **